view branch
git branch
create branch
git branch <name>
switch branch
git checkout <name>
git switch <name>
# switch is a new command in version 2.23
create and switch to this branch
git checkout -b <name>
git switch -c <name>
Merge the specified branch into the current branch
git merge <name>
delete local merged branch
git branch -d <name>
delete remote branch
git push <remote repository name> --delete <remote branch name>
Push the local branch to the remote repository and create a new branch in the remote repository
git push <remote repository name> <local branch name>:<remote branch name>
In the version WithdrawCommit section of the chapter BasicsKnowledge, you already know that for each commit, Git strings them together into a timeline, and this timeline is a branch. As of now, there is only one timeline. In Git, this branch is called the master branch, that is, the master branch. Strictly speaking, HEAD does not point to the commit, but to the master, and the master points to the commit, so HEAD points to the current branch.
Therefore, creating branches, switching branches, and deleting branches are only operations on the corresponding pointers, so the speed will be very fast.
We noticed that git checkout <branch>
is used to switch branches, while the previously mentioned undo changes are git checkout -- <file>
. The same command has two functions, which is indeed a bit confusing.
In fact, the action of switching branches is more scientific with switch
. Therefore, the latest version of Git provides a new git switch command to switch branches. Using the new git switch command is easier to understand than git checkout.
git: 'switch' is not a git command
Because this command is released in version 2.23
, there are no previous versions, you need to upgrade to the latest version
First, to view the current version, execute:
git --version
Before version 2.17.1, the upgrade command:
git update
After version 2.17.1, the upgrade command:
git update-git-for-windows