Git Batch Delete Tags
problem description
when you merge code, there are too many tags, how to delete tags in batch
If you merge code, there are too many tags that you do not need, you can use the following steps to delete them in batch.
delete tags in local respository
- list all tags:
First, you can list all local tags to confirm which tags need to be deleted.
git tag
- delete tags in local repository:
If you want to delete all tags, you can use the following command:
git tag -d $(git tag)
If you only want to delete specific tags, you can replace the tag names with the tags you want to delete:
git tag -d tag1 tag2 tag3
delete tags in remote repository
- delete tags in remote repository:
When you delete tags in the local repository, you also need to delete them in the remote repository. If you want to delete all tags, you can use the following command:
git push origin --delete $(git tag -l)
If you only want to delete specific tags, you can replace the tag names with the tags you want to delete:
git push origin --delete tag1 tag2 tag3
delete all local and remote tags
If you want to delete all local and remote tags, you can follow these steps:
- delete all local tags:
git tag -d $(git tag)
- delete all remote tags:
git push origin --delete $(git tag -l)
- confirm deletion:
List all local and remote tags to confirm that they have been deleted.
git tag
git ls-remote --tags origin
- delete tags is irreversible, please make sure you really don't need these tags before deleting them.
- If you want to delete specific tags, you can replace the tag names with the tags you want to delete.
Follow these steps you can delete tags that you do not need and ensure your repository is clean.